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RDS Spy / Re: SDRConsole
« Last post by f5tiger64 on Yesterday at 07:04:22 pm »
Is there someone using SDRSPY with SDRCONSOLE? I followed ALL instructions but no decoding at all.
PIRA32 RDS Encoder / Re: UECP version
« Last post by Jan on Yesterday at 06:55:10 pm »
The UECP compliance is expressed by means of the supported MEC list. Reference UECP version was 7.05.
PIRA32 RDS Encoder / UECP version
« Last post by bradley217 on Yesterday at 05:04:18 pm »
I apologize if this is the wrong forum. What version of the UECP specification does the READBEST encoder comply with?

Brad Thomson
Release News / Migration from Magic RDS 3 to Magic RDS 4
« Last post by Jan on July 13, 2024, 05:57:25 pm »
Until 2020, we've registered more than 20.000 unique downloads of the Magic RDS version 3. This application was probably the most used RDS control software ever. For this reason we provide some hints related to potential migration from Magic RDS 3 to Magic RDS 4.

Do I need the update to version 4?

You should consider the use of the version 4 in following situations:
  • New installation on a new PC
  • New installation for a new radio station
  • When you're installing a new RDS encoder
  • Need control of more RDS encoders at different sites
  • The version 3 does not provide all functionality you need today (the version 3 is no longer developed nor supported)
  • Whenever you have a choice between version 3 and version 4

In which situations I can keep the version 3?

You can keep the version 3 if the software already works well and you don't need any new features. There is no known security risk. The version 3 is however considered as obsolete by us, its core and design is more than 20 years old.

How it is difficult to update to version 4?

Direct update from version 3 to version 4 is not possible due to the fact that the new software is completely different. You need to create a completely new installation, make all setup necessary, and as the last step, if everything works as expected, "switch" to this new version.

What are the main differences of version 4, compared to version 3?

Note: The list is only partial. Follow the Magic RDS 4 site for complete list of features.
  • The version 4 supports up to 128 independent connections to RDS encoders. The version 3 supports only single connection. Due to this crucial difference, the user must keep on mind that additional step was necessary to be inserted: a selection of connection(s) you need to manage.
  • The version 4 supports a mixture of various RDS encoder models and various protocols and brands.
  • The version 4 provides entirely different Task scheduler whose commands are not compatible with the version 3.
  • The version 4 supports independent setup for each External text source. In the version 3, many settings were common for all the sources.
  • The version 4 supports more External text outputs. In the version 3, there was only single output available for the RT, dynamic PS and text conditions.
  • The version 4 includes demo RDS encoder and RDS Spy decoder so the application configuration and external text sources can be adjusted before going on-air.

Is using of the version 4 still free of charge?

Yes, when using the same or similar set of functions like in version 3, no fee is required for the RDS encoder control.

I've used the version 3 in past. How to familiarize myself with the Magic RDS 4?

Almost all favourite features known from the version 3 are still available and easily accessible in the version 4.
  • Download latest version and install it to a new folder
  • Click on Add new connection and proceed with the Demo Encoder selection
  • In the Overview, click on Run the RDS encoder
  • Click on the RDS Spy icon
  • Now you can see in real time how the setup will affect the RDS data
  • Basic RDS configuration is available in section RDS Content of each Connection. The External text sources can be used by similar way like in version 3, a new Output must be created first.
  • Follow the Help for the list of features and options available
Configuration Options and Possibilities / Re: Nexgen Output for RT+
« Last post by radiosavage on July 10, 2024, 11:45:26 pm »
Yes,  I am using the Virtual port and getting the information.  I noticed that the XML output from Nexgen wasn't working so I went with ASCII. 

The line separator makes sense as does the field separator. So I have adjusted accordingly and it works.  I am new to the software so it took a moment in the "External Text Sources" to realize the template was matching what I am sending.

As for the output.  I have that all setup including the extension for DEVA.  That works great.
Configuration Options and Possibilities / Re: Nexgen Output for RT+
« Last post by admin on July 10, 2024, 08:50:47 am »
You're reading the Nexgen text data via Virtual port in the Magic RDS, is that true?
The setup is according to Help - m4vp.pdf, section 'Redirecting to External Text Sources'

Such feature uses a 'line separator' so two lines are like two different songs sent immediately one after another. Potential additional time separation may not be reliable so it is not used at all.

The line separator and the separator between artist and title may be any in general, they are fully configurable in the Magic RDS. But they can never be the same (or one as part of the other).

What to do next?
Establish two connections: for the Deva (Generic UECP) and for the P164 (P164)
In the Deva connection, enable the RT+ software encoder (Overview - Extensions)
Fill the RT+ template in the external text source, according to final artist/title separator
Optionally, fill the Text replacing rules if necessary.
Configuration Options and Possibilities / Nexgen Output for RT+
« Last post by radiosavage on July 10, 2024, 05:38:47 am »
Good Day.  I am a new user to the software and I seem to be misunderstanding a few areas that I need some assistance.  Currently I can send ASCII from Nexgen and see it all the way to the RDS Encoder but not all of the data even though I see that in the monitor for the input.  I am using a Deva 4.1 right now and I have ordered a 164.  I do plan on keeping the Deva running so I am using General UECP as the output.

Here is where I am running into an issue.  I am not sure of another way to format the output of metadata from Nexgen to Magic RDS.  Right now I export Song Title and Artist on separate lines.  What I notice is that I only get the last line.  I have looked for a guide on what the Nexgen output format should be but I am coming up short.  Anyone else using Nexgen and RT+?  Do I need to send the information on a single line?  Can I use the ability in Nexgen to prepend Item.Artist and Item.Title to be easier for Magic RDS to accept on the input? 

Let me know what other information I can provide.  I am so close.
Feature Requests / Re: need to send via HTTP POST (not HTTP GET)
« Last post by jcmarsalis on July 09, 2024, 11:46:06 pm »
Updated all instances to current ver. Seems to be working now... sending and executing batch file. Thanks
Feature Requests / Re: need to send via HTTP POST (not HTTP GET)
« Last post by admin on July 09, 2024, 07:09:58 am »
Please use only the most recent version of the Magic RDS. I'm not able to give you any comment to a version which is more that 2 years old.
Feature Requests / Re: need to send via HTTP POST (not HTTP GET)
« Last post by jcmarsalis on July 08, 2024, 09:58:21 pm »
I am not convinced the Internal Channel is executing my batch file on data change. My batch file contains a curl command that works fine when executed manually from the command prompt. I had to put the url for the curl command in double quotes for it to work, and RDS Magic wouldn't accept that directly in the Internal Channel, hence the reason for the batch file. I put the following at the end of my batch file to try to get some indication that the script is firing:

echo Logged time = %time% %date%> [full path]\sharklog.txt

but it is not updated unless I run the batch file manually from the command prompt. My instance of RDS Magic is set to Run as Administrator. Log file is not updated when I use the Execute Script tool either.
RDS Magic version 4.0.36 build 2022-01-27
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