Author Topic: External Text Sources: Get "now-playing" information from any XML or JSON file  (Read 2479 times)


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Many broadcast automation systems provide the current song information via XML or JSON file. With the Magic RDS 4 you no longer need to understand the file structure.

  • In the Text Source Editor, find or enter the XML or JSON file so it appears in the File/Class/URL field.
  • In the Process box, select either XML or JSON option, depending on the file type.
  • Go to the Element name or full path field and click on the Find Element button. Select the line which contains the information required, for example the song title.
  • Go to next Element name or full path field and click on the Find Element button. Repeat the same selection for the song artist.
  • Check the Output template field if it contains symbols for both values and appropriate separator, for example %1% by %2%
  • Finally click on the Test button to see the result.

See the Help: extsrc.pdf and m4vp.pdf for more options.