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Configuration Options and Possibilities / RDS Configuration
« Last post by Elmag on July 08, 2024, 09:48:49 am »

Our current set-up displays the song title and artist only after the station is selected, could you inform us on how to we set it up so the song title is also displayed underneath the station name on the selection screen. This used to be the case, but we had to change the PC we were using to run Magic RDS. The settings we had before are now gone and we don't know how to set it up again. I would also like to send you pictures to better explain what I mean but I don't see an option to attach images to this post. Thank you in advance.
RDS Spy / Re: SDRConsole
« Last post by f5tiger64 on July 03, 2024, 09:07:49 pm »
Thank you for your answer, but no video shows software settings.
I think I did all correct, but RDSSPY doesn't decode.
Probably I miss something to do
RDS Spy / Re: SDRConsole
« Last post by Jan on July 03, 2024, 08:20:20 pm »
RDS Spy / SDRConsole
« Last post by f5tiger64 on July 03, 2024, 08:09:10 pm »
I'm using SDRConsole 3.0.27 with Virtual Audio Cable but RDSSPY  doesn't decode nothing.
I followed all instructions.
I set VAC to 192 kHz.
I enabled MPX Forward.
Anyone can help me?
Feature Requests / Re: need to send via HTTP POST (not HTTP GET)
« Last post by jcmarsalis on June 27, 2024, 10:13:29 pm »
Feature Requests / Re: need to send via HTTP POST (not HTTP GET)
« Last post by Jan on June 27, 2024, 09:13:54 pm »
cmd "C:\Users\jcm\Documents\send.bat"
in the Internal Channel


open "C:\Users\jcm\Documents\send.bat"
in the regular script.
Feature Requests / Re: need to send via HTTP POST (not HTTP GET)
« Last post by jcmarsalis on June 27, 2024, 09:02:20 pm »
Thank you. I've implemented as you described. Will wait to see if they're getting information.

Is there any reason RDS Magic would have trouble with executing a batch file?
Something like

cmd "C:\Users\jcm\Doucuments\send.bat"
Silence Detector / Re: How can i check silence every 5 minutes?
« Last post by Salomed on June 26, 2024, 04:09:06 am »
How can i check silence every 5 minutes?
there is time setting only work i think specific time only ..

i want check every n minuets.. any one help me?
Using a Shell Script (Linux/Unix)
You can create a cron job to run a shell script every 5 minutes to check for silence.

Using Python
You can use Python to create a script that runs indefinitely, checking for silence every 5 minutes.
 They probably changed something in the latest Zetta update.
Feature Requests / Re: Bridge - HTTPS - Ignore Certificate
« Last post by Jan on June 22, 2024, 11:08:30 pm »
Thank you for providing access to your server. The issue has been fixed in current version 4.1.12.

Following options are enabled in current HTTP Get implementation:

Passed to HttpOpenRequest call:

Passed to InternetSetOption call:
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