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Silence Detector / Re: Restarting an http audio stream
« Last post by Bigmike333 on June 10, 2024, 06:39:19 pm »
Here's how you can do it... Download AutoHotKey.exe and install it. VLC is controllable by hotkeys. Write a short script that will send Ctrl+1 to the VLC player. Assuming you have the desired file as the most recent one played, the VLC player will automatically load and launch that file or stream. I just  tested it, and it loaded and played my stream. If you need help, I can email you the little executable that will do this. I put the script executable on my desktop, and created a shortcut to it. I copy and paste that shortcut into the Silence Detector Open/Play1 field on the Alarm Task window.
Feature Requests / Re: Sending HD PAD
« Last post by gladhyundai on June 10, 2024, 11:23:09 am »
I still hope that in the near future, your company will develop HW and SW for US HD radio. We are really looking forward to it
Feature Requests / Re: Bridge - HTTPS - Ignore Certificate
« Last post by Jan on June 09, 2024, 09:40:42 am »
What makes you think that the problem is in the certificate?
Also send me the URL for checking. You may use the email.
Feature Requests / Re: Bridge - HTTPS - Ignore Certificate
« Last post by m1k6 on June 09, 2024, 02:51:05 am »
Unfortunately, that didn't help.
Based on your information, I searched a bit and found this:

Maybe this could help.
Feature Requests / Re: Bridge - HTTPS - Ignore Certificate
« Last post by Jan on June 08, 2024, 10:17:34 am »
Please rewrite the exe file and let me know if that helps:
Feature Requests / Re: Bridge - HTTPS - Ignore Certificate
« Last post by Jan on June 08, 2024, 08:57:58 am »
The Magic RDS uses Windows API function HttpOpenRequest:

There are several parameters which may be useful

Disables checking of SSL/PCT-based certificates that are returned from the server against the host name given in the request. WinINet functions use a simple check against certificates by comparing for matching host names and simple wildcarding rules.

Disables checking of SSL/PCT-based certificates for proper validity dates.

Disables detection of this special type of redirect. When this flag is used, WinINet functions transparently allow redirects from HTTPS to HTTP URLs.

Disables detection of this special type of redirect. When this flag is used, WinINet functions transparently allow redirects from HTTP to HTTPS URLs.


I'll add some of them to the call.
Feature Requests / Bridge - HTTPS - Ignore Certificate
« Last post by m1k6 on June 08, 2024, 03:04:12 am »
I noticed, Magic RDS seems to take care of HTTPS certificates - which is good in theory.
For reference, I created a bridge with the internal channel "sendhttp ...".
It looks like Magic RDS checks the validity of the certificate provided with the Windows certificate store.
In our case, our distribution provider uses a self signed certificate - It would be nice if it would be able to ignore invalid certificates, if wanted.
Best regards!
Bug Reports / Re: Execution of bridge commands stuck under some conditions
« Last post by Jan on June 06, 2024, 10:38:33 pm »
It seems to be fixed in today's build:

If the problem remains, please let me know.
Bug Reports / Re: Execution of bridge commands stuck under some conditions
« Last post by Jan on June 04, 2024, 06:46:14 pm »
You're true. The TCP server uses polling for reading data from the socket. Only data from existing connections is processed. If the client disconnect before the data is read from the socket, the data is lost. A solution is on the way.
Bug Reports / Execution of bridge commands stuck under some conditions
« Last post by m1k6 on June 04, 2024, 04:26:45 pm »
I've noticed the following.
The setup:
There is a bridge with a virtual port, linked to an encoder.

It looks like the execution of the commands sent via the virtual port are stuck, if Magic RDS is not able to respond to at least one connected client (e.g. if the client just connects, sends it's message and immediately disconnects).

For example, this PHP script communicates with the virtual port. For example, to simply send "TA=0" and "TA=1".
Code: [Select]

$rdsmessage = "TA=1";
$fp = fsockopen('', 10001, $errno, $errstr, 5);
if (!$fp) {
    echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
    fwrite($fp, $rdsmessage . "\r\n");
    //usleep(100000); //100ms
Without the "usleep"-line, Magic RDS does not react to the message sent. If the line is uncommented, thus the PHP-script waits some time before closing the connection, Magic RDS reacts.
Magic RDS will also react if a new connection is opened or there is still at least one other active connection.

I noticed the same behaviour with a popular playout-software which offers TCP-logging of song information. There, the software also doesn't care about the response, just sends the message and disconnects immediately.

Best regards
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