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Release News and Tutorials / Using the RDS Spy real-time RDS decoder from any PC
« Last post by Jan on March 20, 2025, 01:34:12 pm »
Following method applies to advanced RDS encoders which support remote RDS output monitoring and software port multiplication.

To show the RDS output from certain RDS encoder, user may simply click on the RDS Spy button in the Magic RDS 4. To get the same functionality on any other PC (in the same LAN on even anywhere in internet), follow these steps:

  • Select the RDS encoder you want to monitor and click on the Virtual Ports button
  • Add new Virtual port, type TCP Server, choose appropriate (free) TCP port
  • Install the RDS Spy on the other PC
  • In the RDS Spy from, go to Configure - Select RDS Source
  • Select ASCII G Protocol, TCP/IP connection, RDS Encoder device type, fill IP address of the Magic RDS PC and the TCP port chosen in step 2
Add-ons / Re: Task Scheduler vs Text Campaigns for Program Name internal channel
« Last post by Jan on March 18, 2025, 09:52:56 pm »
Yes, that's exactly how it works. When using the Text Campaigns, the Internal channel becomes a set of lines, to enable scheduling of multiple text messages at the same time, automatically rotating in a loop. See the 'Dynamic Text Loop' reference in extsrc.pdf.

In your case the solution is simple: create a separate Source for the Text Campaigns, different from the old Source used in the Task scheduler.

To show current lines in the Dynamic Text Loop, go to View - Spreadsheets.
MagicRDS V4.2.2

I have an Text Source > Internal Channel called 'Program Name'.

Until now I've been using Task Scheduler to update the program name. All 24/7 programs. Has worked well.

I have now created the same list of programs names using 'Text Campaign' to update it.

When I use Text Campaigns, the program names doesn't work as expected.

If I disable Task Scheduler & enable Text Campaigns, then I end up with two program names alternating. One unchanging from the distant past & the most recent which changes to the most current program. It's as if the Internal Channel has two text lines with last line being updated by the Text Campaign & the Output Sequence is alternating between the two names when it gets to the Program Name step in the sequence.

The Program Name > Internal Channel > Process will not remember being configured as 'First Line' or 'Last line' & always defaults back to 'All lines - one per session'.

So far,  I've had to revert back to 'Scheduled Tasks' to get it to work.

Thanks, Rod
When Now Play data is not updated for some period, say 10 minutes (600s), then display the Program Name instead.
But don't send Program Name to Stream if Now Playing is being updated regularly.

To achieve this, set the 'Go to next after' of the now playing source to a high value, for example 99999. In the picture it is set to zero, which is inappropriate.
Other settings seem to be well done.

Upcoming version 4.2.3 will bring some fixes and improvements to the external text tool. It is now being tested.
Using MagicRDS V4.2.2

Already have long running setup to process Now Playing data with Text Replacing & send to external BWB Audio Processor.
Also an Internal Channel 'Program Name', which is updated using Task Scheduler.
So the Now Playing & Program Name RDS text alternates.
Often the studio is either on microphone or using CDs, with no Now Playing data. When this happens, Now Playing is no longer displayed until it changes.
So just the Program Name is displayed instead.

I'm trying to do something similar for our embedded Live Streaming text & need help please.
Processing of the same Now Playing data & Text Replacing & sending the result to a text file to then use for Live Stream text.
When Now Play data is not updated for some period, say 10 minutes (600s), then display the Program Name instead.
But don't send Program Name to Stream if Now Playing is being updated regularly.

So I've set up a new Connection > Bridge > Internal Channel called 'NowPlayingStreamingConnection'.
- Data distribution setting = saveto file:"C:\Users\Tech\Documents\MagicRDS4\NowPlayingStreaming.txt" mode:"rewrite"

Created a new Output called 'NowPlayingStreamingText'.
- 'Enabled' & 'Send on Change' ticked.
- Text Source Sequence '1- Now Playing for Streaming' & '2- Program Name'.
- Output purpose = 'Radiotext or plain text' selected.
- Destination Connection = sendto "NowPlayingStreamingConnection"

General Discussion about the RDS / BW Broadcast TX V3 600 RDS issues
« Last post by HadYourPhil on March 16, 2025, 08:19:14 pm »
This is my first post, so be gentle...
I have two of these transmitters. They both had to go back to Progressive Concepts for repair, one (maybe both, I don't remember) for power supply issues. Anyway, both transmitters, when RDS is activated, start the scrolling with BW  RDS, followed by a several second delay. Then, the message I put in starts. The five letters noted above do not appear in the box where the message is keyed in, and they can't be removed. Progressive Concepts has been no help. Have any of you seen this issue?

The character limit seems to be 64, although PC thinks it is only 32. One of my transmitters will not display the 32nd character... just leaves a blank spot in the scroll. Other transmitter... all characters are there. Weird.

Any comments/suggestions? FWIW the serial numbers are 30930 and 31070. The second one has the missing character. Software for both is 20-R.
RDS Spy / Re: LC72722 CCB
« Last post by Jan on March 06, 2025, 10:39:22 am »
There's no interface on common PCs suitable for processing IIC or CCB data bus signals.

The LC72722, however, has an option for outputting the raw RDS data signal (RDDA) on the test pin. Appropriate control command must be send to the IC via the CCB bus to enable such function.
RDS Spy / LC72722 CCB
« Last post by tonysd on March 06, 2025, 09:33:20 am »
Hi Everyone!
Has anyone succeeded to connect LC72722 to RDS Spy? It communicates using CCB interface, serial protocol similar to I2C?

P132, P164, P232(U) and P332 RDS Encoders / Re: Activating alternate frequency
« Last post by Jan on March 04, 2025, 01:46:54 pm »
1) Contact the national authority for correct PI assignment


2) Change the PI yourself to xFxx, keeping the last two digits unchanged.
P132, P164, P232(U) and P332 RDS Encoders / Re: Activating alternate frequency
« Last post by Topfm on March 04, 2025, 01:37:05 pm »
Thank you very much.
What are the options available for me to have the AF working?
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