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Mixing "now-playing" information with stations slogans, studio phone number, current time and any other text content. Show everything in Radiotext. Including full RT+ setup.

  • Create a plain text file with station slogans (each message on a separate line)
  • Create a Source for the station slogans, processing one line per session
  • Create a Source for the "now-playing" information
  • Move both sources to the Sequence box in the Output, tick the Radiotext box and Enable.

See the Help: extsrc.pdf for more options.
Release News and Tutorials / Old tutorials
« Last post by Jan on November 12, 2024, 08:57:44 pm »
These tutorials were originaly created for Magic RDS 3 but some of them apply to the Magic RDS 4 as well:
Did you know that the Magic RDS 4 includes a full-featured software based RDS encoder? You may use it for various purposes like for troubleshooting connection issues to 3rd party UECP-based encoders. The application indicates connection status in the Virtual Ports section and can log data from any input/output. Built-in RDS Spy decoder shows listener's RDS data in real time.

  • Add new connection: Kind RDS Encoder, Model DEMO Encoder.
  • Run the Demo Encoder
  • Turn on the Communication Monitor
  • Click on the Virtual Ports button and add new virtual port. Use the same or similar parameters like on your real RDS encoder.
  • Click on the RX Monitor to enable logging of incoming data
  • Connect from your application to the Virtual Port. Use the IP address of the Magic RDS PC.
  • Click on the RDS Spy button to see the listener's RDS data.

Note: Similar method applies to all RDS encoders which support software port multiplication (virtual ports). Just don't connect directly but create a virtual port and connect thru it.

Please keep on mind that does not provide any instructions about how to configure 3rd party or competitive products. Follow the manufacturer's or vendor's support line.

For more options, please follow the Help - readbest.pdf, m4vp.pdf and devices.pdf
Many broadcast automation systems provide the current song information via XML or JSON file. With the Magic RDS 4 you no longer need to understand the file structure.

  • In the Text Source Editor, find or enter the XML or JSON file so it appears in the File/Class/URL field.
  • In the Process box, select either XML or JSON option, depending on the file type.
  • Go to the Element name or full path field and click on the Find Element button. Select the line which contains the information required, for example the song title.
  • Go to next Element name or full path field and click on the Find Element button. Repeat the same selection for the song artist.
  • Check the Output template field if it contains symbols for both values and appropriate separator, for example %1% by %2%
  • Finally click on the Test button to see the result.

See the Help: extsrc.pdf and m4vp.pdf for more options.
RDS Spy / Re: Spelling Error in RDS Spy v1.08 r5 for PTY (5)
« Last post by Jan on November 10, 2024, 12:47:52 pm »
Thanks, I'll fix it  ;D
RDS Spy / Spelling Error in RDS Spy v1.08 r5 for PTY (5)
« Last post by Raddish on November 10, 2024, 12:22:57 pm »
Hi Jan,

Can you kindly correct the spelling error in the current release of RDS Spy.
For PTY (5) the current spelling humorously is incorrect.
Is showing as: Edication / Rock (5)
It should of course display as: Education / Rock (5)

Thanking you in advance for the spelling correction in your next release of RDS Spy.
General Discussion about the RDS / Re: RT+ & Tag1 Tag2
« Last post by Jan on November 06, 2024, 09:29:48 am »
In the Magic RDS 4 - External text tool, prepare two Sources:

Source 1 - now playing information
Source 2 - pointing to a plain text file with announcements (each announcement on a separate line), processing one line per session

Set the parameter 'Go to next after' to 30

Put both Sources to the Output, tick the Radiotext box and Enable.
General Discussion about the RDS / Re: RT+ & Tag1 Tag2
« Last post by eryspeak on November 06, 2024, 08:28:00 am »
Do you have any recommendations on how to automate the 30-second switching interval?
Release News and Tutorials / Re: Release News and Change Log
« Last post by Jan on November 04, 2024, 10:38:07 pm »
Version 4.1.14

  • Communication Decoder: PTY added
  • Communication Decoder: Refresh icon added
  • Communication Decoder: empty dynamic PS no longer shows []
  • Communication Decoder: RT+ indication bug fixed
  • External text sources: truncated text termination string is now user selectable
  • External text sources: Internal channel type now supports XML, JSON and other processing options
  • External text sources: RT+ item toggle bit can be deactivated in each Source
  • Virtual Ports: User defined line separator can be optionally included in the final text
  • Px32, P164: LIC added
  • P164: If Ethernet Fail-safe Monitor is enabled, the device network name is showed as 'P164EFSMon' instead of 'P164'
  • Bug fixes: UECP frames longer than 255 bytes, Terminal sending wrapped line, Device Setup Read All button and some others
P132, P164, P232(U) and P332 RDS Encoders / Rapid 4 and Pira 164
« Last post by wastaffan on October 24, 2024, 06:51:41 pm »
Hey all,

Our old Audemat FMB50 kicked the can. I had it configured to work with Rapid 4 as our RDS middleware. Does anyone have experience getting Rapid 4 to work with a Pira 164 RDS encoder? I should be able to set it to UECP and send the formatted PS and RT to it, but I'm having some trouble. I'll be sure to post again if I get something figured out.

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