Author Topic: Sending Song Title (P132 and Jazler)  (Read 6248 times)


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Sending Song Title (P132 and Jazler)
« on: June 13, 2018, 02:23:11 pm »
Hi Folks

I'm new to the Pira products and have 2 x 132 units.  I'm having no joy getting our song title pushing out on the RDS.  The title and artist goes to our web site without issue.  We are using Jazler Playout.

Can anyone suggest  anything?



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Re: Sending Song Title (P132 and Jazler)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2018, 10:05:01 pm »
The P132 is a RDS encoder made especially for Ethernet TCP communication so the setup procedure splits into 3 steps:
  • Determine or assign IP address of the RDS encoder
  • Open TCP listenning port (TCP server) on the encoder
  • Connect the broadcast automation system to the encoder

Step 1

The encoder comes from the factory with DHCP option enabled. That means the IP address is assigned automatically in typical network. The IP address is indicated on the LCD display and when you type the IP address into a web browser, the encoder's internal website will appear.

It is a good practice to fix the encoder's IP address in the settings of your network router, i.e. make the IP address assign permanent so it will keep after possible power-off etc. In your router configuration, section DHCP, you can find the encoder's current IP address and MAC address. Type this information in section DHCP Reservation.

In netwoks without DHCP function, the encoder's IP address needs to be assigned manually. Connect the encoder to the PC using USB cable and run the MagicRDS software. See the pdf documentation for details.

Step 2

Type the encoder's IP address into a web browser, the encoder's internal website will appear.

In section LAN Settings - Port 3 or Port 4 click on Enable, select TCP protocol, encoder is server and fill the TCP port (for example 23). See the picture below. Confirm by Update button.

Click on Reset.

Step 3

From version 2.12 the Jazler RadioStar finally supports TCP connection to the RDS encoder. Thus make sure you have version 2.12 or later.
Older version needs a virtual serial port utility (free for download, type to Google, or use our free solution at

In the Jazler's RDS setup, select PIRA32 RDS encoder model. Fill the encoder's IP address and the TCP port from the step 2 (in that example it is 23).

See the Jazler's documentation for details.

To verify the connection status, open the encoder's internal website. In the Device Status, yellow background of the port 3 or port 4 icon represents live connection from the broadcast automation to the RDS encoder.