Author Topic: Bug: output data error  (Read 7456 times)

Jesper Johnsen

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Bug: output data error
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:52:14 am »
While reading a stream, the data suddenly shifts X bytes:
Example (two data packages, rx'ed with approx 30 packages a second)


When this happen I can solve the problem by pressing stop and run again, in piracom.
When I use a comport spy, it looks like piracom, reads the data from the target with an offset of -2*n bytes


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Re: Bug: output data error
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 10:18:11 am »
Seems to be improbable due to faultless operation with our software and equipment.
However your report has been included in to-do list as new version of the piracom is planned for this year.