I've been having good success using the mRDSio.dll for sending commands using Clarion, but have had no luck getting the Receive function to work. From searching around, I can see other developers have been having the same issue in other languages as well. I believe it's because of the return type.
I know from previous experience that the various languages all have a different spin on returning complex types; that's why the Windows API avoids it for the most part.
It would be great to have an overloaded Receive function that is more like the Send function. In other words, the Delphi prototype would look like:
function Receive(Adr, Len: Integer; Data: TData): boolean; stdcall;
By including TData in the parameter list, passed by address, the issues associated with complex return types is avoided. I'm thinking you could keep the Receive function you have now, for backwards compatibility, and add the one above to make the dll a little more compatible across different programming environments...
Any chance?