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RDS Spy / Re: Files plugin doesnt start in Windows 7
« Last post by Jan on August 10, 2024, 01:09:59 pm »
It allows separate screen for the plugin setup.
There's a small bug in some plugins. If there's nothing to configure, nothing happens. This may be confusing, I'm fully aware of that. A fix is on the way.
RDS Spy / Re: Files plugin doesnt start in Windows 7
« Last post by veso266 on August 10, 2024, 12:36:24 pm »
I can also confirm that if I try to open via View-> RDS2 RTT File Receiver the plugin opens fine

why doesn't it also work if I trying to open via Configure->plugins->RDS2 RTT File Receiver
all the other plugins work fine (even my test plugins: ) and I always used this route to open plugins

why 2 menu entries?
P275 FM Analyzer / Re: Relay for antenna switching
« Last post by Jan on August 09, 2024, 04:58:55 pm »
Yes, exactly. I'm using it that way.
P275 FM Analyzer / Re: Relay for antenna switching
« Last post by mimu on August 09, 2024, 04:35:27 pm »
Wow, great  :D
Can it also be powered via the alarm out? Is the power sufficient?
RDS Spy / Re: Request for Long PS (LPS) decoding in RDS Spy
« Last post by Jan on August 09, 2024, 07:38:27 am »
RDS Spy already supports Long PS and RDS2, as well as all our RDS encoders.

Make sure you have recent RDS Spy version. Click View - Basic RDS Services.
RDS Spy / Request for Long PS (LPS) decoding in RDS Spy
« Last post by Raddish on August 09, 2024, 07:07:01 am »
Hi Jan,

Is there a possibility of RDS Spy supporting Long PS (LPS) - RDS Group Code 15A?
Long PS is now being used by two radio networks in Australia & with some other radio stations interested
in it down in this part of the world.
I would love for RDS Spy to be able to decode LPS.
I see there is space in the RDS Spy GUI below the PS field for LPS to be included there.
It would just be a matter of programming RDS SPY with the necessary code to allow for LPS?
Are you interested in modifying the programming in RDS SPY to allow this?
I know there would be several folk interested in using RDS SPY to decode LPS.
Also I want to say I greatly appreciate your RDS SPY program & the time you spend developing it.
Hope to hear from you soon.
P275 FM Analyzer / Re: Relay for antenna switching
« Last post by Jan on August 08, 2024, 05:54:40 pm »
I'm using this board from eBay
in this project

You can directly connect the alarm/gpio outputs to the board's pins A, B, C to switch up to 8 antennas  8)

Soon I will publish the new script files for the monitoring.
P275 FM Analyzer / Relay for antenna switching
« Last post by mimu on August 08, 2024, 04:09:25 pm »
Hello, does anyone have suggestions for a suitable relay to switch the antenna input of the P275 using GPIO outputs? Thanks.
Silence Detector / Re: kill vlc media player
« Last post by Jan on August 02, 2024, 05:01:31 pm »
Put that line to Open/Play
Silence Detector / Re: kill vlc media player
« Last post by Djclewes on August 02, 2024, 04:43:45 pm »
how do i run a .bat file to kill vlc please here is my screenshot.
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