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Posted by: balvenie
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:07:06 pm »

Thanks Jan.
Posted by: Jan
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:38:00 pm »

Both options are possible. However if the encoders carry exactly the same data that changes dynamically, it would be better to use one Magic RDS + TCP/IP software splitter. One is available at

Note: When using RDS Net or any kind of splitter, the communication should be set as unidirectional in the Magic RDS (Preferences - uncheck Bidirectional).
Posted by: balvenie
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:12:18 pm »


Serveral transmitters are fed with audio using IP 5.6Ghz transmission.
The links are in a one after one config ie from studio to transmiiter 1 then from T1 to transmitter 2 and so on.
Obviously the RDS data are the same to each transmitter and I wonder the possibility to send data to each transmitter using Magic RDS.
The RDS32 are connected to the IP link using Ethernet to TS232 converters on each transmitter site.
Should I run several instances of magis RDS, or only one ?