Author Topic: Possible to receive RT1 information on separate webpage  (Read 6863 times)


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Possible to receive RT1 information on separate webpage
« on: April 07, 2021, 09:08:03 am »
Dear Jan.

Looking for a solution to get RT1 information (Artist - Title) to a streaming player (And the output of MagicRDS4 is the best place to get this).
Is it possible to have a webpage that shows only the RT1 information on a page?

Eg : http://MagicRDS4/send/?data=RT1 (Eg data=RT1 - will read the information in the RT1 field, and data=RT1=xx will set the information as it does today)

And this page would then show a blank page with only the information:
Artist - Title (or the information that is in the RT1 field after Text replacing++)

This would also be helpful for all the other fields to be able to receive the status of each setting in the program.

WBR Stian


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Re: Possible to receive RT1 information on separate webpage
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2021, 09:42:53 am »
Is there a real need to read the RT from the RDS encoder? I'm asking because latest output from the External text tool is kept in the application and can be returned immediately. Do you think that this would be a solution?

Anyway your idea is good and very simple to implement. We will add this possibility to version 4.0.26 which will be released in following days. As in any other text feature which is independent of the RDS encoder, there may be some restrictions if you do not use the full version.


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Re: Possible to receive RT1 information on separate webpage
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2021, 10:13:14 am »
Dear Jan.

Thank you for your quick and positive answer!

For our use its enough to get the information from External Tool as your software is the only "controller" of our RDS encoder.

Will the "pira hardware license for Pira32" be enough, or do we need an extra license to get the full features of your software?


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Re: Possible to receive RT1 information on separate webpage
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2021, 02:36:25 pm »
The feature is available in latest version 4.0.26.


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Re: Possible to receive RT1 information on separate webpage
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2021, 11:11:09 am »
Thanks Jan.

This was a quick development, and it works just as it should for us.
We are now able to have MagicRDS 4 as the main source for our streaming information, and all studio switching ++ are done in the Magic RDS 4 software - and feeding now playing information to both FM and Streaming!

Keep up the good work!