Author Topic: Magic RDS - Text replacing - Title Case  (Read 7999 times)

South Coast FM Tech

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Magic RDS - Text replacing - Title Case
« on: December 27, 2019, 06:28:03 am »
Hi, Using the latest MagicRDS V3.8e

Have a NowPlaying.xml file that has song Title, Artist, Category & Temperature. Title is all CAPITAL letters from our playback automation system.
Also have a MessageList.txt file used for a selection of station messages which appear 60s after a new song has started.
Using 'Text Replace' to replace various special station categories with fixed text such as 'Sponsor Message', using [CAT***] as suggested in a very useful Sept 2019 post.

Wish to convert the all capitals song title to Title Case (Only first letter in each word is a capital) to make long text messages fit on radio displays that use proportional text fonts. 
Yes, we could use 'External Text Sources' > More Options > Convert to Title Case, however this rule is applied to ALL text messages, independent of source; not just the song title.
Generally need words to remain as intended without forcing 'Title Case' in all instances. Otherwise text such as '', becomes '3Mfm.Com.Au'

I'm hoping to arrange a REGEXP or similar in 'External Text Sources' > 'Text Replacing' tab to find words with ALL CAPITALS & then replace that text with the 'Title Case' equivalent in this case.
The 'Text Sources' NowPlaying.xml has the Title element defined as value %2%.
Using 'Text Replacing' ordering to manage priority, we can put any Title Case manipulation after all of the other category displays cases are managed.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: Magic RDS - Text replacing - Title Case
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2019, 09:15:04 am »
Version 3 of this software is no longer developed. Magic RDS 4 will bring a possibility to put the title-case conversion command inside the Text replacing box, so the conversion may apply only to specific source or category.

South Coast FM Tech

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Re: Magic RDS - Text replacing - Title Case
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2020, 03:08:27 am »
Thanks for the feedback.
Looking forward to the V4 Magic RDS release  :)