After some SD filesystem and linux worries

the developpement RPI 'Rennes sensor' is online again... (
Le Mans will come soon I hope but the SD cards are definitly not my friends.
By the way, a friend of mine told me about a nice linux way to quicly install a full system, like a FMBox can be. I think I will work on it to offer an easy way to install an FMBOX. So, if someone is interessted in hostig a FMBOX at home..., just tell me. All you need is a pira P175 (sure most of this post readers have at least one), a working RPI (2) (with sd and power supply), a USB Key, and RPI RS232 kit (like
We could even make it an open source solution? It could be fun to build a wild FM monitoring system with our nice Pira boards.
See you soon?