Author Topic: IP address assign  (Read 7112 times)


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IP address assign
« on: September 07, 2015, 03:52:33 pm »
Hi Jan

Congratulations for new 132 and 332 they nicely fill the gap for IP connection

Could you please let me know the way to modify IP addresse or is it only DHCP.


Jean Pierre


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Re: IP address
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2015, 04:12:27 pm »
The units comes with DHCP enabled by default. Of course, you may assign a fixed IP address as well. There are several ways:

  • Connect the encoder to a DHCP-enabled network and type its IP address in a web browser address line. When the embedded website appears, go to LAN Settings - General and select Use DHCP - No. Then fill manually the IP address, mask etc.

  • Connect the encoder to your PC via USB (P132) or RS-232 (P332) cable, run the Magic RDS Windows application, configure the connection in Options - Preferences - General. If the unit communicates, go to Options - Device setup and configure the IP address similar way as described above.
    This method is useful also for the case you cannot reach the encoder via the LAN due to incorrect IP address settings.

Finally, reset the RDS encoder in order for these settings to take effect.

The methods of configuration are also described in the pdf documents which come on the CD and are available for download.