Here a suggestion for people who want to control one or more remote analyzers over IP without PC on the remote site.
I have tested it with a P75 analyzer.
What you need:
- 1 Pira P175 (or P75) FM Analyzer
- 1 Raspberry Pi with sd-card and power supply (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi -
- 1 USB Sound Card with Audio In
(- 1 Serial to USB converter) (should work without on the P175)
The good thing: The price of 1 Raspberry Pi with SD-Card, power supply and case is +/- 55€, for the sound card +/- 25€ (or less)
- Install Raspbian Wheezy on the sd-card (raspberry pi)
- Activate ssh
- Connect the analyzer on one USB port (with serial-usb-adapter) and the sound card on the other port
- Connect the audio-out of the analyzer to the audio-in of the sound card
- Use ser2net on the raspberry pi for the serial interface of the analyzer
- Use icecast2 and darkice for the audio-streaming (
- On the PC you have to install the virtual serial drivers (
http://www.hw-group.com/products/hw_vsp/index_en.html). Then you can create a serial port which comunicates over IP with the remote analyzer and use the pira software FM Scope and/or FM Guard.
- If you want to listen to the audio signal you can connect to the icecast server on the raspberry pi and play the stream with any player (Winamp, VLC, ...)
- You can control the raspberry pi over ssh
Some ideas for Jan:
- It would be great to provide a stereo-output on the analyzer
- Until now not every setting is adjustable over the software (output volume, 2nd IF, ...)