So to be clear, the MicroRDS can do title-artist but requires binary coding opposed to ASCI?
If I had a lesser station that was also using Nexgen automation software, is there a fairly simple path to get title-artist on it's RDBS apposed to just the generic stuff we are currently running? I have one advantage with this particular station in that the audio processor (with the 19khz output) is co-located with the automation system. We also have a separate computer just for streaming for this station that could host additional software like TinyRDS if that would make it work...
On the primary station, we were able to get it to work with the Pira32 at the transmitter tower site via TCP (encoded within the Nexgen computer) through your computer-based TCP to serial converter program. It would just be icing on the cake to have title-artist on the smaller station too

I've read through the directions and have some understanding of this, but not being nearly the expert on it that you guys are I'd love to have some step by step info for how to configure things, etc. for getting this feature on the MicroRDS unit.
Thanks again for the advice.