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Posted by: Jan
« on: May 20, 2022, 08:59:38 pm »

You can use the Remote COM Port application for driving the P164 but there may be some specifics in the setup.

A better way is to use the Magic RDS 4 on both sites - local and remote. The configuration is according to the m4vp.pdf, section Remote Bridge.

Some general rules which may apply to your case (no response from local USB/serial port):
  • Make sure you've selected the right COM port
  • Make sure the communication speed is correct, according to the device configuration (1200 to 19200 bps)
  • Sometimes the Windows USB engine may stuck. Unplug and plug the device, restart the Windows, reinstall the USB driver
Posted by: max
« on: May 20, 2022, 05:41:15 pm »

on the magic RDS page it sends a message saying the devise does not respond