Posted by: pirauser
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:57:54 pm »
An internet radio station that I frequently monitor will sometimes enter a continual play/pause sequence. The play/silence sequence is less than 1 second for each.
Would it be possible to set the "seconds of silence" under "Alarm Activation" to less than the current 1 second minimum? If so, I would be able to have a dos batch app, triggered by Piraside, then count occurrences of silence, followed by an automatic disconnect/reconnect after a short time.
I have tried manually changing the "Silence=" parameter in "piraside.ini" to "Silence=.5", but that did not work. I would also leave the "Return from alarm condition" "If sound is present again for at least" at 0 seconds".
Any help would be most appreciated.
Thank you.