:DDEAR JAN from my first result on the function of the 1 GHZ counter it seems to work perfect when i have put u664b scale by 64 and keeping the xtal firstly 4MHZ i have to divide the result by 4
exemple :exciter maun frequency 98.3 i saw on the led display of the freqquency counter 393.2 mhz /4=98.3.
changing the xtal to 8.00MHZ i have on the display 196.6 (196.6/2)=98.3 mhz .
the bad news that i cant get the xtal 16MHZ oscllate ,i have increased the value of the parralel capacitors from 22pf to 33pf and decreasing them to 15pf but nothing happened .i guet on yhe display NUMBER (P)
thanks for help.