Dear Sir, it is not clear from your posts what's your wish. The 1 GHz counter is a pretty old circuit based on a /256 divider. You cannot use it with decimal divider (/10, /20 etc.) without complete rewriting the firmware because 256/10 or 256/20 is not an integer. This is a fact that has nothing to do with documentation.
However if you need to correct the value showed by dividing by 2 or multiplying by 2, it can be done simply by changing the prescaler rate of the PIC. It seems you know programming very well so it should be a simple task for you. Change the line
MOVLW B'01110011' ;prescaler & pull-ups
MOVLW B'01110010' ;prescaler & pull-ups
MOVLW B'01110100' ;prescaler & pull-ups
and compile the asm file again (for example using MPASMWIN).
Alternatively you may change the crystal value in the ratio required (but this may be increased only due to display refresh rate).