Products & Support |

RDS Encoders
Cost effective RDS/RBDS encoders for your radio station or service. Show station name,
promotions, news, artist and title of currently song playing incl. RT+ tagging, current
time and much more on receivers. Many advanced features supported. Full documentation,
free software download. Worldwide shipping. |

Broadcast Analyzers
Stand-alone DSP based solution for FM broadcast analysis. Provides complete FM modulation
and basic AF spectrum measurements in FM radio band through the antenna input. Includes
RDS/RBDS decoder. |
Software |

Magic RDS 4
The Magic RDS 4 is a new generation software for RDS encoder control and for publishing text information generated by broadcast automation systems. Supported RDS encoders include all PIRA RDS encoders, MicroRDS, MRDS1322, all 3rd party encoders, UECP based encoders and lite-ASCII encoders. Brings single-click RT+ support for all RDS encoders. Manage and feed entire broadcast network from single place. |

Event-Driven MP3 Audio Recorder
Records MP3 audio from sound card input or virtual audio cable (VAC). Up to 8 concurrent recordings. Start/Stop/Pause recordings based on time events or occurrence of keywords in a text: jingle name from broadcast automation, website content, serial commands etc. Configurable AGC (Automatic Gain Control), fade-in, fade-out and more. Optional clean-up of selected folder – deleting old files. Optional upload of the mp3 file to a website. Remote monitoring via SNMP requests. The favourite MP3 Audio Recorder is now fully implemented in the Magic RDS 4. |

Freeware RDS decoder and analyzer for Windows with plugin support. Supports several RDS
sources, including direct decoding via sound card. |

Pira CZ Silence
Freeware application which guards presence of audio signal on recording line of PC sound
card. If no sound is present for a specified time, pre-defined tasks are executed. Number
of tasks and adjusting elements is highly above standard.
Pira CZ Silence Detector is a perfect tool for any radio station where continuous audio is
important. |

Pira CZ Remote COM
Freeware application which allows to control any RS232 device via TCP/IP network (LAN,
internet). The application supplies hardware based Ethernet-to-RS232 converter on remote
The RS232 device is connected to a serial COM port of the remote PC and you may control
the device from your local PC. If the control application cannot communicate via TCP/IP,
you may use some suitable virtual COM port driver for establishing a connection to the
remote PC. Click for download and application notes. |

Serial Data Logger
Simple freeware application for incoming serial data logging. User selectable serial COM
port, baudrate and other port parameters. Can add time stamps to the log file. Independent
line extractor keeps last text line in a specified file. Configuration is made via ini
file. No need to install. |

Simple UECP Log Analyzer
Freeware application for quick analysis of UECP (Universal Encoder Communication Protocol)
data logged into a file. Reads both binary and text format.
Includes statistics, error analysis, addressing analysis and list of the services. Allows
export of the content to plain text file with filtering options.
No need to install, just copy to your disk. |
(C) 1999-2025 Pira.cz |