Posted by: jcmarsalis
« on: July 09, 2024, 11:46:06 pm »Updated all instances to current ver. Seems to be working now... sending and executing batch file. Thanks
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Thank you. I've implemented as you described. Will wait to see if they're getting information.
Before we implement direct solution, you can POST the text like as showed in following example:Code: [Select]saveto file:"d:\post.txt"
cmd "curl -k --data-urlencode varname@d:\post.txt"
Enter such script into the Data Distribution box (Edit Connection - Connection Type: internal channel)
Modify the script:
varname is the variable name accepted by your webserver
d:\post.txt can be changed to any local file name in any existing path is the URL which accepts the POST request
The text coding is UTF-8 by default.
saveto file:"d:\post.txt"
cmd "curl -k --data-urlencode varname@d:\post.txt"