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Posted by: South Coast FM Tech
« on: December 12, 2021, 08:44:56 pm »

Thanks Jan, That worked well !
Posted by: Jan
« on: December 12, 2021, 09:52:04 am »

This would be easy to solve using global variables which are already on our "To Do" list.

Anyway there's a simple hack you can use now. The Task scheduler can change "N/A Text" for each text source. Thus, if you create a text source pointing to an empty file, changing the N/A Text will effectively edit the text in the cycle:

#5 text file with no content (empty.txt)

event days:"1234567" times:"09:00"

Code: [Select]
set Sources.NAText5:"Morning show"
Posted by: South Coast FM Tech
« on: December 12, 2021, 05:14:04 am »

Hi Jan,

I'm using MagicRSD4 V4.0.33 connected to a BW Broadcast TX1000V3 Transmitter.

Text sources tab settings:
- #1 XML file Now Playing
- #2 Text file with several lines - Fixed list of station messages. One per session.
- #3 Text file with several lines - Special announcements. One per session.
- #4 text file with many lines - List of towns in our broadcast area. One per session.

RadioText1 tab settings:
Enable external text sources for Radiotext 1 is ticked.
Send on change is ticked.
All text sources are ticked.
Primary source set to #1 XML
Cycling through these various sources works as expected.

I'm trying to include a message that indicates the current Program Name using the Task Scheduler. It would be added to the messages being cycled.
So the Program Name would changed at say 09:00 to 'Morning show" & then be displayed periodically until say 12:00, when it would change to 'Afternoon show'.

I've setup all the Program Name transitions within Task Scheduler based on day & time, but unclear on what task to execute.
Based on something I've read in this forum, at the moment I'm using...
- event days:"1234567" times:"09:00"
- send connection:"*" command:"RT2=Morning show"
But that doesn't seem to work.

Not sure how to implement the function of a changing Program Name, that cycles amongst all the other text messages.

I'd prefer not to have to create a unique text file for each program name that then gets enabled or disabled via a scheduled task. That setup would be very difficult to maintain.

Could I put all programs name into a single text file & reference them by number? Again... difficult to maintain.

Could I use the Scheduled Tasks to re-write a single line of text into a file called say 'Program Name', that is then part of the standard list of Text Sources?
Maybe a common batch file that has the unique 'Program Name' passed to it in the Task Scheduler task & that re-writes the file 'ProgramName.txt' ?

Thanks, Rod