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Posted by: Jan
« on: September 04, 2021, 09:45:37 pm »

The PlayoutONE supports XCMD format for the metadata output. The configuration for the RT and RT+ (as well as for Dynamic PS) is pretty easy. You don't need any special template, translator or device specific configuration.

  • Open the Monitor and make sure it is connected to the player (message ALL OK)
  • Go to Station Settings / Metadata Outputs
  • Click on the TCP icon
  • Fill the encoder's IP address and valid TCP port
  • Fill following text to the Format box:
    XCMD=<rds><item><dest>3</dest><text><artist>%%Artist%%</artist> - <title>%%Title%%</title></text></item></rds>%%CarriageReturn%%

You may edit the format according to the X-Command documentation and PlayoutONE Monitor technical documentation.