Happy to help!
%REGEXP%\[CAT.*\] - %CLEAR%Type default message here%END%Doesn't appear to be working. When
COM + Album comes up it's still continuing to show it as
Artist - Title instead of replacing it with Album info only. Also, the
VTC category is displaying the
Artist - Title information as well which in MediaTouch displays as VOICE TRACK by VOICE TRACK. It should be showing anything in Source 2 which in my case is the Weather file. Any ideas?
I've made sure to update which each new version. I'm on 3.8e
Another idea is when a TALK BREAK or FEED is playing in MediaTouch the XML is blank with only the <PlayList></PlayList> brackets. Is there a way to have it output a generic text when that happens instead of having it just show only: "
- " or "
by ".
Thanks for nice ideas. Please download latest version at https://pira.cz/rds/MagicRDS_Setup.exe
Now you can access directly the XML elements %1% to %4% in the "TO" column. See the screenshot.
Some pieces of the new code were not tested yet in real operation so any feedback is welcome.