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Posted by: jcmarsalis
« on: April 16, 2022, 06:00:52 pm »

Okay, got it. Thanks!
Posted by: Jan
« on: April 16, 2022, 04:32:46 pm »

The timer cannot be used that way - it generates periodical trigger which is not what you want here.

You need to create another item:

Code: [Select]
event days:"6" times:"09:58"
which will contain all tasks necessary for setting original state:

Code: [Select]
set DPS1.SendOnChange:"1"
set Radiotext.SendOnChange:"1"

Moreover you have a mistake in the set commands, they cannot be preceded by the send keyword. The set command applies directly to the Magic RDS 4 configuration, not to the encoders, so you don't send anything.
Posted by: jcmarsalis
« on: April 16, 2022, 04:22:28 pm »

I am using this on the External Scheduler:
event days:"6" times:"08:01"
timer interval:"01:57"
22-04-16 09:15:14; Executing send connection "WKZUIP" command: set DPS1.SendOnChange:"0"
22-04-16 09:15:14; Executing send connection "WKZUIP" command: set Radiotext.SendOnChange:"0"
22-04-16 09:15:14; Executing send connection:"WKZUIP" command:"TEXT=Rollin' Hills Bluegrass - Mike & Bro Paul on WKZU"
22-04-16 09:15:14; Executing send connection:"WKZUIP" command:"DPS1=Rollin' Hills Bluegrass - Mike & Bro Paul on WKZU"

Yet as soon as a new Title;Artist is picked up on the external source, it changes to whatever is populated on the external file although the timer has not elapased
Posted by: Gordon_Waters
« on: March 16, 2022, 10:08:10 pm »

Great Thanks
Posted by: Jan
« on: March 16, 2022, 03:33:43 pm »

The Task scheduler is not compatible with old version. Here's correct code:

To turn on the External RT and DPS
Code: [Select]
set Radiotext.SendOnChange:"1"
set DPS1.SendOnChange:"1"

To turn off the External RT and DPS, and send static text
Code: [Select]
set Radiotext.SendOnChange:"0"
set DPS1.SendOnChange:"0"
send connection:* command:"TEXT=static text here" delay:default
send connection:* command:"DPS1=static text here" delay:default

The delay parameter is optional, will make sense from version 4.0.37.
Posted by: Gordon_Waters
« on: March 15, 2022, 09:34:19 pm »


I was using Version 3 and had many schedules set that all worked well.

I am having trouble translating this to the Version 4 format.

What I use to do was to turn off the send on change for Radio text and Dynamic Text and then set static text for each, then turn the send on change back on.

I was using this in V3

rds.radiotext.sendonchange=0; send:RT1=The Billy Bob Show;rds.dps1.sendonchange=0; send:DPS1=The Billy Bob Show;"

and then to at the set time issue this;


I am having trouble working out the new syntax for Version 4 to do this.

Any help most welcomed.
