How to change Radiotext message in a predefined time?

Use this method if permanent connection exists between the Magic RDS and the RDS encoder.

1. Click on RDS Encoder - Text setup and enable the Radiotext 1, click Store:

sendrt1.gif (18946 bytes)

2. Select Tools from the main menu and open the Task Scheduler:

sendrt2.gif (3682 bytes)

3. Enable the Task Scheduler, fill the Radiotext message to any empty line:

sendrt3.gif (17030 bytes)

To identify that you wish to assign the text to the Radiotext, use the prefix send:RT1=

Thus an example of complete line would be:
send:RT1=Good throughts precede great deeds.

4. Select the line desired and click on the Times button:

sendrt4.gif (10735 bytes)

Select the days in week and fill the times when the text message should appear. Confirm by the Add button. Click on OK.


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