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digital pira pll tuning help

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i have removed P1 and directly feed the varicap .and i self tuned the oscillator like the veronica system .oscillator of Jun is not working as frequency set on dip

what i have done

carlos manhique:
I think Veronica PLL system will hardly work with other oscilltors. The system is prepared to control oscillators working at half of FM  frequency. Oscillators are set for 44 to 54 MHz.
Again, you can use oscillators made by PIRA CZ: 3W or 5W type.

carlos a misunderstand bro

the first tx is the pira 1w pll

the second is the smart kit vfo 1021 1031 never mind

i want to use the first pll pira with the second transmitter that i have put schematic above

what shoud i try to change and add components value

i know after that i must tune the vco to the the frequency set on the dip switsh to get a lock condition.


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