Author Topic: Pira32 + Barix  (Read 11353 times)

Radio Dzenarika

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Pira32 + Barix
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:15:08 am »
I'm trying to setup Magic RDS and Barix exstreamer 100 to send rds data to remote location
I have local PC with Magic RDS running connected to Barix RS-232 port with female-female serial cable and at remote location I have connected Barix and Pira32 encoder RS-232 ports with male-female serial cable but data doesn't get through (I'm receiving communication error in Magic RDS). I've setup both Barix devices and Magic RDS to baud rate 2400   
data bits 8 parity no stop bits 1 handshake none
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or is it even possible to send signal this way?


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Re: Pira32 + Barix
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 10:06:56 am »
The PIRA32+Barix is a working configuration.

Make sure the speed desired is set also in the encoder before placing it on remote site. You cannot set or check it later if you don't have a working connection. All speed settings must match in entire chain.

Currently, the information about Barix RS232 configuration can be found at

I cite from the document:

How to use the serial gateway function

The Barix Instreamer, the Barix Exstreamer (all types), the Barix Annuncicom and also the IPAM you can use also as serial gateway. Serial gateway means you can connect two serial devices (i.e. Modem to PC) with Barix products over the network together. Also you could connect from a PC (i.e. with telnet) to this serial gateway port on the Barix devices. This function is implemented in all Barix standard firmwares as also in many ABCL firmwares.

How to set up this:

It's easy, there are only three parameters, you can find these in the web configuration (Serial section) on the Barix devices.

Local port - the TCP port where a remote network host (i.e. Exstreamer) can connect to
Destination IP and Destination port - here define a network destination, if this Barix device should initiate the network connection

Note, for a network connection you will need two network devices, one initiates the connection and another who receives the connection. Over TCP the Barix devices is not able to be both at the same time. So when you define one Barix device as connection initiator then the opposite Barix device must be a connection receiver only!

Configuration example:

Annuncicom with IP address :
Local port : 12303
Destination IP :
Destination port : 0

Exstreamer with IP address :
Local port : 12303 (port number must be set to disable serial command port function)
Destination IP :
Destination port : 12303

If you use any other port as the default Local port (12303) then make sure this port is not used for the web server (Control section) or in the Streaming section for any of the TCP listener ports!

- end of the citation -

You don't need any Redirector software when using two Barix boxes or Magic RDS software. You may use both of the following configurations:

Magic RDS RS232 connection -> PC RS232 -> Barix 1 -> Ethernet -> Barix 2 -> RDS Encoder


Magic RDS Ethernet connection -> Ethernet -> Barix 2 -> RDS Encoder

If you use the second configuration, note that the Magic RDS is a TCP client so the Barix 2 must be a TCP server (listenning for the connection, no destination IP specified!) and its IP address must be 'visible' from the Magic RDS PC.

Radio Dzenarika

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Re: Pira32 + Barix
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2014, 12:19:30 pm »
Thanks for fast response. I will look into it tomorrow, I assume I would need to set speed in the encoder via terminal, right?


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Re: Pira32 + Barix
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2014, 01:15:51 pm »
If you have the PIRA32 with LCD, the serial port speed is indicated on the display.

The easiest way how to change the speed is in Magic RDS if the encoder is connected via local port (or USB cable). In the latest version it's Options - Device Setup.

Using a terminal, the speed can be changed as well. For change to 2400 bps type SPEED=2400<Enter>, configure the terminal in order to communicate at the new speed and type *SPEED<Enter> for storing the new speed to internal EEPROM and to validate the communication on the new speed.

Radio Dzenarika

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Re: Pira32 + Barix
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2014, 03:07:11 pm »
I successfully set up following configuration
Magic RDS Ethernet connection -> Ethernet -> Barix 2 -> RDS Encoder
Issue was with speed set in Pira32 encoder.
Right now I'm able to communicate bidirectionally between Magic RDS and Pira32 encoder (ex. to transmit current song information)
I was unable to get
Magic RDS RS232 connection -> PC RS232 -> Barix 1 -> Ethernet -> Barix 2 -> RDS Encoder
configuration running it might be a cable issue between Local PC and Barix 1 but that's irrelevant atm.

Past that is it possible to transmit RDS information to not 1 but 4 FM transmitters with Barixes and Pira encoders on remote site.
I can think of running 4 instances of Magic RDS in studio with sending information to encoders on remote site if no other solution is possible.


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Re: Pira32 + Barix
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2014, 03:48:48 pm »
Running multiple instances of the Magic RDS may be a solution.
However if the dynamic RDS information is the same for all 4 transmitters, you may run only one Magic RDS (in unidirectional communication mode) and use some software TCP/IP splitter, a simple one is provided at
In that case the Magic RDS connects via TCP to the RDS Net (it may be running on the same PC) and connections to all Barix units are established from the RDS Net.

Radio Dzenarika

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Re: Pira32 + Barix
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2014, 12:20:56 pm »
I will test both options and setup what best suits our needs.
I would like to thank you for your assistance and also great and cost effective encoders which serve us well for many years.