Utilities > RDS Spy

Files plugin doesnt start in Windows 7

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Hi there, I hope you can help me a little bit
on one of my Computers I still use Windows 7 x64 SP1

I can use latest RDS Spy 1.08 r5 there, it works fine

But for some reason I cannot seam to use Files plugin: http://rdsspy.com/2024/03/02/rds2-rft-file-receiver-0-99/
the thing just doesn't open (other plugins work fine)

After opening the dll with Dependency walker: https://github.com/lucasg/Dependencies
I discovered that datxchng.dll (this one is on the RDSSpy root dir not inside plugins dir) and SHCore.dll is missing

After putting both dlls datxchng.dll and api-ms-win-shcore-scaling-l1-1-1.dll (renamed to SHCode.dll from here: https://www.dll-files.com/download/701ae7af647177c8a42627b46ab876f3/api-ms-win-shcore-scaling-l1-1-1.dll.html?c=RGQvUjhYT1VFSjV1Ykh5R3ZrWDlaZz09) inside plugins folder

Dependency walker stoped complaining, but the plugin stil did not open

then I discovered that Shcore.dll exposes 2 functions that Files plugin needs:

But even after copying the dll files plugin will still not run so I was wondering is there any log file so I can figure out whats going on

Can files plugin live without GetDpiForMonitor and GetProcessDpiAwarness?

not realy sure yet if these 2 missing functions are a cause why the plugin will not start but would realy like if this plugin would work since everything else from RDSSpy works on Windows 7 just fine

PS: Was wondering why was RPP data format removed from the standard was it worse then the new RFT file transfer protocol which is used to transfer images now?

I realy hope RDS2 takes off because it adds to FM Radio things that modern sociaty things they need without sacrifying robustness of analog audio transfer (which DAB does  :))

Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards

Trying on the same Windows 7 edition, the plugin normally works. I'll try also on another PC later this week. Or has anybody else such experience?

The people involved in the RDS standards creation decided to remove the RPP format and use the more general RFT file transfer format. The RPP was experimental only and its performance was very poor if there were bad blocks in the reception. Pity it took about 10 years to release the final standard (by end of 2023).

i confirm there is a problem with files.dll , in 2 computers here W10 doesn't open.
In the one it opened just for once after many attempts, and never reopened.

I was trying to test RDS2 but i also notice no difference in the spectrum , no RDS2 subcarriers opened , and also not visible both in stereotoll speectrum monitor,neither on SDRsharp spectrum.

At the one time the files.dll opened , also didnt recognise any rds2 stream.

I must notice i try the unlicenced version of stereotool , maybe that is the reason no RDS2 transmitted?

Thank you.

If you do not see the RDS2 subcarrier in the spectrum, there's probably no point in trying the file receiver plugin. Maybe this is not the right place to get support for the ST, we do not produce such software and we never had a reason to use it. If you are looking for a reliable and proven solution for the RDS2 broadcast, the only way I can help you on this matter is to offer the P164 or P232U RDS encoder :)

To open or reopen the files.dll plugin, go to the RDS Spy menu: View - RDS2 File Receiver. If the plugin is not listed here, download it from the RDS Spy website. If such procedure does not work, please let me know.

Hi Jan,

you are right , excuse me, i confused the forum about the ST,

Back on the files.dll,
 i have downloaded and trying the latest  0.99 (is there a way to download 0.91 ?).
The plugin is listed normally in the plugins and of course i select it on the Demodulator dropbox (RDS2).

The combination with the SDR and virtual audio cable is working normally , i get stable RDS data with 0% BER.

The main problem now is that i click Configure/Plugins/RDS2 RFT Analyser and windows does not open.

Cheers from a very very hot Greece , hope you are better there in Chez (if i remember right).


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