Radio Data System (RDS) > PIRA32 RDS Encoder
Connection LCD to Pira232
Hello, I have a problem with connecting my new RDS print Pira 232 to my old display. I had now the old type Pira32. But there I have now a connection to my display with a connector with 4 cables.
My question is to which pins on the 16 pins connection on my new Pira232 must they be connected?
Greetings, Johannes
The PIRA32 did not have any dedicated connector for the LCD, so the LCD module has included a converter from I2C bus to HD44780 interface.
The P232 no longer requires such converter, the LCD can be connected directly. On the other hand, old PIRA32 LCD cannot be connected to the P232. The pin assignment can be found in the device manual.
Ok, so I have to buy a new lcd display 16x2 and make a cable?
It is a preferable solution.
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