Radio Data System (RDS) > PIRA32 RDS Encoder
Radiotext not show at one car tuner
In one car receiver, I have noticed that the radiotext is not displayed. It is the only receiver I have found this problem. In all the receivers I've seen, it show normally.
Some information about this problem:
The Dynamic PS of the station shows normally, at fast speed, without missing words.
On all other stations in my area, it shows their radiotext (none of them have pira encoder)
The RDS signal level of the station is 3.7 khz.
Such issue has nothing to do with the RDS encoder model or manufacturer. The encoder always sends the RT in accordance with the standard.
Some configuration parameter may be set inappropriately or there's something wrong with the receiver. Try to clear the receiver's preset memory and tune the station again.
Old receivers may not support RT at all. What you recognize as RT may be scrolling PS.
For any further investigation I would need a record from the RDS Spy.
I gave the information in case I could help with something. The receiver is factory built into the car and the same was observed in 2 identical cars with the same receiver.
As I said before, it's the only type of receiver where this happens. To everyone else, it shows normally.
Thank you for posting the RDS Spy file, very helpful.
The RT contains illegal characters and is switched very fast, even without going back to the beginning of the text. No encoder from our production behaves like this. Make sure it's really the PIRA32, and if so, check the configuration or adjust the application which is providing the RT data so that they are sent in correct format and at appropriate rate. The issue needs to be solved in any case.
Well, after detailed analysis I've found that following fixed group is periodically sent, approx. once per 2 seconds:
xxxx 2140 0000 0000 2A 0 01010 00000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0 0 0 0 '..' '..'
This user defined group was obviously entered manually in past, either unintentionally or in a targeted manner. It causes interference in the receiver with regular 2A groups which carry the RT. You have to find a way how to disable this group. In the PIRA32 it's easy, disable (clear) the User Defined Groups or remove symbols X and Y from the Group Sequence.
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