Radio Data System (RDS) > MRDS1322
Software for Mac Computer for MRDS192
I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to control MRDS192 via software that will run on a Mac computer? I've been running it via tinyrds up until now but I'd like to switch over to a Mac and was wondering if that was even possible because all the software I've seen has been Windows based. Thanks!
There's no such software from us.
Thank you for the quick response. If I wanted to write my own program in C to do this and control it over a usb to serial port, are there any documents or suggestions you may have for guidance? I noticed from monitoring the serial port on my computer when tinyrds sends signals to the MRDS192 it appears to be encoded as it can't interpret anything but the setup. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. Thank you again!
The MRDS192 has been designed for onboard communication (with mcu). It supports I2C protocol only so any attempt to communicate using RS-232 will fail. The TinyRDS software emulates I2C bus on pins 4 and 7.
See more information at (MiniRDS Encoder).
Thank you!
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