The PIRA Silence Detector information suggests you can start applications on alarm conditions as well as kill them. I can't find out how to do this. Maybe I can't see the wood for the trees? At Vintage Radio we use Windows media player (we have also tried VLC) to listen to our internet audio feed to let us know if anything has gone wrong. We suffer from occasional network glitches which then stops the media player and this then sends an alarm condition. Unfortunately we haven't found a media player that will auto restart once the brief network glitch has gone away. If I can start an app on , say, an alarm I can kill the app to make sure I don't get multiple instances running and then restart the media app. If this is feasible I also need a way of passing parameters to the player (the network URL of our stream). Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in anticipation. Mike, Vintage Radio tech team