Author Topic: Task Scheduler vs Text Campaigns for Program Name internal channel  (Read 871 times)

South Coast FM Tech

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MagicRDS V4.2.2

I have an Text Source > Internal Channel called 'Program Name'.

Until now I've been using Task Scheduler to update the program name. All 24/7 programs. Has worked well.

I have now created the same list of programs names using 'Text Campaign' to update it.

When I use Text Campaigns, the program names doesn't work as expected.

If I disable Task Scheduler & enable Text Campaigns, then I end up with two program names alternating. One unchanging from the distant past & the most recent which changes to the most current program. It's as if the Internal Channel has two text lines with last line being updated by the Text Campaign & the Output Sequence is alternating between the two names when it gets to the Program Name step in the sequence.

The Program Name > Internal Channel > Process will not remember being configured as 'First Line' or 'Last line' & always defaults back to 'All lines - one per session'.

So far,  I've had to revert back to 'Scheduled Tasks' to get it to work.

Thanks, Rod


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Re: Task Scheduler vs Text Campaigns for Program Name internal channel
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2025, 09:52:56 pm »
Yes, that's exactly how it works. When using the Text Campaigns, the Internal channel becomes a set of lines, to enable scheduling of multiple text messages at the same time, automatically rotating in a loop. See the 'Dynamic Text Loop' reference in extsrc.pdf.

In your case the solution is simple: create a separate Source for the Text Campaigns, different from the old Source used in the Task scheduler.

To show current lines in the Dynamic Text Loop, go to View - Spreadsheets.