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Silence Detector / Re: Companion Software
« Last post by macallan on October 24, 2024, 11:28:22 am »
I would be interested in your software.Thank you
Silence Detector / Push notification - Silence detection .
« Last post by macallan on October 24, 2024, 11:19:23 am »
Do they know if they are going to create a mobile application for silence detection?

I mention it, because every day it is more complicated with the emails since for security reasons they do not arrive.

here is the possibility, with some API, that the program connects with Telegram to send push notification.

Even if you pay an annual fee or to buy the application

Thank you
FM Transmitters, RF Amplifiers / Re: Pira CZ 5W PLL FM Transmitter - BF240 substitute
« Last post by Anthill on October 23, 2024, 04:42:12 pm »
Hello Jan. Many thanks for all the work you have put on the public domain to inspire.. I would like to try pira 5w pll. I can not source BF240 locally. Will BF199 or BF494 work or could you suggest a substitute. Thanks & Regards. Hill.
P132, P164, P232(U) and P332 RDS Encoders / Re: HTTPS
« Last post by Paulius on October 22, 2024, 11:59:47 am »
Thank you for a fast reply.
P132, P164, P232(U) and P332 RDS Encoders / Re: HTTPS
« Last post by Jan on October 22, 2024, 09:42:28 am »
This kind of network equipment does not support https. Security does not seem to be affected because no confidential information is entered via the http status website. The website is secured by password or can be completely disabled in your router as it is not required for regular operation. Ethernet setup integrity is guaranteed by built-in Ethernet fail-safe monitor.
P132, P164, P232(U) and P332 RDS Encoders / HTTPS
« Last post by Paulius on October 22, 2024, 09:17:40 am »
i have a P164 unit and for my network needs it should have as much security as possible.
Is there a possibility of HTTPS connection for WEB GUI of the device?
Currently i cant find it nor in specification nor in configuration. Maybe there is a software update which enables it?

Thanks in advance.

FM Scope Script Files / Re: FM Monitoring Script v3 (pira)
« Last post by Jan on October 13, 2024, 09:15:15 am »
If I set (HowManyAntennas,1), the script runs only once, as expected. It seems to me that no fix is needed to the original script.
FM Scope Script Files / Re: FM Monitoring Script v3 (pira)
« Last post by Rene on October 12, 2024, 10:23:17 pm »
I use the default setting in your script
set (HowManyAntennas,1)

but with this config the monitoring runs in a infinite loop. Sorry.. :) I can´t find the error in your script.

My workaround is comment the part out:

;if (%CurrentAntenna<=%HowManyAntennas)
;  goto (AntennaLoop)
;  endif

Then the script runs one time.
FM Scope Script Files / Re: FM Monitoring Script v3 (pira)
« Last post by Jan on October 11, 2024, 11:41:57 pm »
Thank you. You can change the number of antennas at line 25:

Code: [Select]
set (HowManyAntennas,1) ;default is 1 (single antenna)
Please verify that this line has not been inadvertently changed.

Your solution will also work of course  :)
FM Scope Script Files / Re: FM Monitoring Script v3 (pira)
« Last post by Rene on October 11, 2024, 10:49:43 pm »
Hallo Jan,

there is a little bug in your script in the Part "AntennaLoop:". If i use only one antenna in the config, the monitoring runs in a infinite loop. If a comment the part out:

;if (%CurrentAntenna<=%HowManyAntennas)
;  goto (AntennaLoop)
;  endif

the script runs fine.
Thank you for your perfect work and your products.
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