Pira.cz Technical Forum
Utilities => RDS Spy => Topic started by: f5tiger64 on July 03, 2024, 08:09:10 pm
I'm using SDRConsole 3.0.27 with Virtual Audio Cable but RDSSPY doesn't decode nothing.
I followed all instructions.
I set VAC to 192 kHz.
I enabled MPX Forward.
Anyone can help me?
Try some tutorials, like https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rds+spy+sdr
Thank you for your answer, but no video shows software settings.
I think I did all correct, but RDSSPY doesn't decode.
Probably I miss something to do
Is there someone using SDRSPY with SDRCONSOLE? I followed ALL instructions but no decoding at all.
All working for me. Make sure all of the devices in Windows settings are set to 192khz, and that vb-cable's own settings also shows 192khz as the internal rate. You also probably need to restart both pieces of software for it to work after changing the mentioned settings, I needed that.
(also, enable basic stuff like MPX output)