Pira.cz Technical Forum
Magic RDS 4 => Feature Requests => Topic started by: m1k6 on June 08, 2024, 03:04:12 am
I noticed, Magic RDS seems to take care of HTTPS certificates - which is good in theory.
For reference, I created a bridge with the internal channel "sendhttp ...".
It looks like Magic RDS checks the validity of the certificate provided with the Windows certificate store.
In our case, our distribution provider uses a self signed certificate - It would be nice if it would be able to ignore invalid certificates, if wanted.
Best regards!
The Magic RDS uses Windows API function HttpOpenRequest:
There are several parameters which may be useful
Disables checking of SSL/PCT-based certificates that are returned from the server against the host name given in the request. WinINet functions use a simple check against certificates by comparing for matching host names and simple wildcarding rules.
Disables checking of SSL/PCT-based certificates for proper validity dates.
Disables detection of this special type of redirect. When this flag is used, WinINet functions transparently allow redirects from HTTPS to HTTP URLs.
Disables detection of this special type of redirect. When this flag is used, WinINet functions transparently allow redirects from HTTP to HTTPS URLs.
I'll add some of them to the call.
Please rewrite the exe file and let me know if that helps:
Unfortunately, that didn't help.
Based on your information, I searched a bit and found this:
Maybe this could help.
What makes you think that the problem is in the certificate?
Also send me the URL for checking. You may use the email.
Thank you for providing access to your server. The issue has been fixed in current version 4.1.12.
Following options are enabled in current HTTP Get implementation:
Passed to HttpOpenRequest call:
Passed to InternetSetOption call: