Posted by: flybelgium
« on: February 02, 2024, 07:08:36 pm »Because i forgot "bidirectional" on device setup...
Thank you very much !

Thank you very much !
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In my remote studio with TCP, Magic Rds Licence are not activated.
I have buy PIRA P164 RDS and i use Magic RDS 4 for the first time (i have used V3 in the past).
First question, what the differences between the internal scheduler and task scheduler ?
Send the name of the radioshow in alternance with the Artist - Title file between and specific time
Example : MORNING RADIOSHOW > displayed every days of the week, interval 40 sec, in specific time 07h00-10h00
In the task scheduler i have this configuration :
-> Trigger :
event days:"12345" times:"07:00, 10:00"
timer interval:"40000" (i think this is milliseconds?)
-> Task :
send connection:"*" command:"TEXT=MORNING RADIOSHOW"
How to use Traffic or News program ? When the news is played, send command to rds.