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Posted by: radioroccella
« on: December 20, 2024, 11:13:27 am »

Thank Jan, your information is always very accurate. :D
Posted by: Jan
« on: December 20, 2024, 09:56:37 am »

Do you use Software RT+ encoder (in Overview - Extensions)?
If so, you cannot keep the RDS encoder to change the RT itself (between RT1 and RT2).

Recommended steps:
  • Disable the Software RT+ encoder as it is not required for your model
  • Disable the RT2, this feature was designed for offline operation. Instead of this, create a plain text file with station slogans and insert that into the Text Sources sequence as a new Source:
    From version 4.1.15 you may use also inline RT+ tags, for example <stationname.long>Radio Roccella</stationname.long> Tel. <>123 456 789</> etc.

Posted by: radioroccella
« on: December 20, 2024, 09:34:24 am »

By activating the RT+ option alternating with the text “ON AIR”, RT+ is cut based on the number of characters previously transmitted.
Example if “On AIR” is: “Beatles Let it be” RT+ will have an equivalent number of characters and will cut the rest.
Is this normal?