Posted by: Cameron Adkins
« on: December 12, 2024, 08:27:27 pm »
Maybe I'm missing something or don't really understand but I have the encoders set as servers with a port number of 3000 which corresponds to the port the Wide Orbit systems are providing the metadata on. All works well except it seem the only way I can communicate with the encoder is on that port for configuration. Port 80 only works connecting to the encoder web GUI itself and you can't really setup a great number of parameters without using the Magic 4 app. However, whenever I am connected to the encoder, all communication from the automation is interrupted and not updated until I log out of the Magic 4 app. Since I am only using the Magic 4 app for configuration, what is the trick to change configurations on the fly without it disconnecting from the the automation?? This wouldn't be such a big deal except I have other stations setup on the Magic 4 app and when I start it up, it connects to all the encoders and thus interrupts the updates on all of them.