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Posted by: JohnnyVee
« on: April 21, 2021, 12:46:40 pm »

Thanks for coming back to me so quickly. I have my RDS unit set up in a lab and hope to put it into actual use when everything is setup properly. I did however follow your advice give the P164 a non-conflicting x0xx PI code and, as you predicted the P12 has vanished, thanks for that.
Posted by: Jan
« on: April 20, 2021, 08:19:01 pm »

Here are two related hints:
  • The PI FFFF is a factory default PI which needs to be changed as soon as possible to the final PI. Current PI is incorrect for a station with a single frequency - correct PI format is x0xx.
  • Please note that the RDS standard has been developed 30 years ago. At that time there were no large LCD displays in the receivers. I mention this because there's no control signal inside the RDS which can customize the screen layout. Moreover that interest is strictly individual. Once you change the PI to a correct one, the area coverage code R12 will maybe disappear or maybe change to LOCAL, depending on the receiver's setup and design.
Posted by: JohnnyVee
« on: April 20, 2021, 08:02:09 pm »

Just bought a P164 but I'm getting the additional info P12 after the station name. I think its something to do with regional info but I don't want it to be displayed and can't find the information to remove it. I am only using a single frequency TX using the test PI FFFF .... eg Test fm P12 - Any ideas - thanks