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Posted by: Mark R.
« on: November 01, 2021, 03:36:10 am »

Got it.

I have another question in Magic RDS, but I'll post a new question it in the right part of forum.
Posted by: Jan
« on: October 31, 2021, 07:25:45 am »

The solution is simple. The P164 allows building centralized RDS network with single access point for unlimited number of external applications, at minimum costs. In the Magic RDS 4, on a working connection to the RDS encoder, establish separate Virtual port for each external application. The broadcast automation systems will connect to the Magic RDS 4's PC. If you wish to send data to more encoders, use a Bridge for that purpose. The examples are showed in Help - m4vp.pdf

Using this way, you're no longer limited by the device's capabilities and there's no longer a need to configure each encoder individually for adding new connections. Users usually keep the Magic RDS 4 running anyway, for configuration, scheduling and watching purposes. Soon we will add a possibility to enable/disable individual Virtual port in the Scheduler.
Posted by: mr917
« on: October 31, 2021, 02:40:50 am »

I have two applications that we use in our radio studio both have capability of sending Metadata using a filter file (using XCMD).  But with a P164 in TCP/IP mode (not using Magic RDS) only one software can send data to the P164.  I'm guessing the TCP server on the P164 only allows for one connection at a time?  Is there any way to modify that, or is there another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Thanks!