FM Analysis > PIRA75 FM Analyzer

Pilot & RDS level refresh rate using FM Analyzer tool 1.3b

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I've installed version 1.3b on my analyzer, but now the update of the Pilot and RDS levels takes much longer than before. Is there something wrong with this firmware?

Pilot level takes the same time as before, RDS level now depends on receiving conditions in order to improve reliability. There's nothing wrong. However some details will be further adjusted.

Maybe some problem is in the communication to the PC now then. Because now i have a different value on the analyzer then on the FM Analyzer Tool. I see the MPX changing on the PC, but the Pilot, RDS and Deviation MAX stay the same. So there's something wrong.

And when testing the refresh time of the pilot. I have times of around 15-20 seconds before there's an update, so to set the pilot level now takes a lot more time this way.

There has been no change made in this context in the firmware. Your second post finally makes the things clearer. In the PC software turn off a function that you don't currently require. If you need to read pilot level, you don't need to use the scope and fft modules simultaneously. Although this is possible, it makes the pilot level refresh rate slower as the functions share the same buffer in the device. The PC software currently updates the pilot level automaticaly if you enable this option on the Setup card (Environment / Online deviation ...). Hope this is what you have asked for.


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